In the case of Abraham, the Lord did more than provide a supreme test of faith by which the Father of the faithful were able to sanctify his soul, he did more than create a perfect example of faith and obedience. It also established a "figure", a "likeness" to establish the future sacrifice of His only begotten Son. As Jacob put it, "Abraham" was obedient to the commandments of God to offer his son Isaac, which is a likeness of God and His Only Son. "(Jacob 4:5.) And for all generations time that men ever think about the proof of Abraham on Mount Moriah, also thought that God himself gave his only begotten Son as an infinite and eternal sacrifice for the sins of the world.
Abraham, in fact, was the father of Ishmael by the slave Hagar, but Isaac was the only son in the royal lineage, the lineage through which the promises would come. (Genesis 16, 21:1-21.)
Even as God would raise up his only son's death to the glorious immortality, and Abraham knew that if he killed Isaac by order of the Lord, the God raise up Isaac back to mortal life and that the promise would be fulfilled.
Some authorities among the Jews insist that Isaac was actually sacrificed his soul was raised in flames after the knife had done its job, only to return to life as security for a resurrection. Even without the turn of events, sacrifice sacrificial lamb in a sense brings back to life.
Abraham in Egypt by Hugh Nibley
Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, Vol 3 by Bruce R. McConkie
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