Chiasmus is classified as one of the literary figures of repetition. Is to repeat the same words or expressions and maintaining cross-symmetry, so that it senses the difference in turn significantly. Example: "Neither are all that are, or are all those who they are. " Chiasmus seeks to give value to a central idea from the repetition of a phrase, creating a striking effect that induces meditation. Accordingly, the chiasmus is called "reverse parallelism," since the first part of a grammatical construction is balanced or balanced by the second part, which reflects in reverse order.
In short, the parallels are Quiamos and poetic language patterns, in which the ideas or phrases are repeated, either in the same sequence (parallel) or in reverse order (chiasmus). A most basic example of a chiasmus would be, "the first shall be last and the last will first, "The parallels are as chiasmus, unless the ideas are repeated in the same sequence.
Qiasmos and parallels can be found in many writings of the Bible and the Book of Mormon, remain that way proof that the Book of Mormon was written by ancient prophets it was impossible that a young man with so little study of secular and Joseph Smith could be devised and structured in this way the Book of Mormon.
is incredible number of chiasmata and found parallels in the writing of the Book of Mormon, Alma 36:24-25 is an example.
A Yes, and since that day, even until now, I have worked constantly
B bring souls to repentance
C to bring them to approve all joy I tried;
D to also be born of God
D and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
C Yes, and here, oh my son, the Lord gives me exceedingly great joy
B the fruit
A my works;
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