AY pass that after traveling through the desert B to where it was our father, C behold, it was filled with joy; C and my mother Sariah rejoiced exceedingly, B because I really had afflicted us A because he believed had perished in the wilderness,
A and also had complained against my father much, B accusing him of visionary, saying C thou hast taken from D the land of our inheritance, E and my sons are no F, and we perish G in the desert. HY according to this way of speaking, My mother I J had complained against my father. AY
happened that my father had spoken, saying, B I know I am a visionary man, because if I had not seen the things of God ... C But here, I got D a land of promise and I rejoice in these things, yes, E and I know that the Lord will deliver my children from the hands of Laban, F and will get back to us G in the desert. HY these words my father Lehi I J comforted my mother Sariah, concerning us ...
A and when we returned to the tent of my father, were filled with joy, and my mother was comforted. BY she spoke, saying: C Now I know with certainty that the Lord hath commanded my husband ... D yes, and I know for sure that the Lord hath protected my sons, D has escaped the hands of Laban C and given them power to carry out what the Lord has commanded. BY after this manner of speaking she says. AY pass that they rejoiced exceedingly, and offered sacrifices and burnt offerings to the Lord, and thanked the God of Israel.
Chiasmus is classified as one of the literary figures of repetition. Is to repeat the same words or expressions and maintaining cross-symmetry, so that it senses the difference in turn significantly. Example: "Neither are all that are, or are all those who they are. " Chiasmus seeks to give value to a central idea from the repetition of a phrase, creating a striking effect that induces meditation. Accordingly, the chiasmus is called "reverse parallelism," since the first part of a grammatical construction is balanced or balanced by the second part, which reflects in reverse order.
In short, the parallels are Quiamos and poetic language patterns, in which the ideas or phrases are repeated, either in the same sequence (parallel) or in reverse order (chiasmus). A most basic example of a chiasmus would be, "the first shall be last and the last will first, "The parallels are as chiasmus, unless the ideas are repeated in the same sequence.
Qiasmos and parallels can be found in many writings of the Bible and the Book of Mormon, remain that way proof that the Book of Mormon was written by ancient prophets it was impossible that a young man with so little study of secular and Joseph Smith could be devised and structured in this way the Book of Mormon.
is incredible number of chiasmata and found parallels in the writing of the Book of Mormon, Alma 36:24-25 is an example.
A Yes, and since that day, even until now, I have worked constantly
bring souls to repentance
C to bring them to approve all joy I tried;
D to also be born of God
D and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
C Yes, and here, oh my son, the Lord gives me exceedingly great joy
In the case of Abraham, the Lord did more than provide a supreme test of faith by which the Father of the faithful were able to sanctify his soul, he did more than create a perfect example of faith and obedience. It also established a "figure", a "likeness" to establish the future sacrifice of His only begotten Son. As Jacob put it, "Abraham" was obedient to the commandments of God to offer his son Isaac, which is a likeness of God and His Only Son. "(Jacob 4:5.) And for all generations time that men ever think about the proof of Abraham on Mount Moriah, also thought that God himself gave his only begotten Son as an infinite and eternal sacrifice for the sins of the world.
Abraham, in fact, was the father of Ishmael by the slave Hagar, but Isaac was the only son in the royal lineage, the lineage through which the promises would come. (Genesis 16, 21:1-21.)
Even as God would raise up his only son's death to the glorious immortality, and Abraham knew that if he killed Isaac by order of the Lord, the God raise up Isaac back to mortal life and that the promise would be fulfilled.
Some authorities among the Jews insist that Isaac was actually sacrificed his soul was raised in flames after the knife had done its job, only to return to life as security for a resurrection. Even without the turn of events, sacrifice sacrificial lamb in a sense brings back to life.
Abraham in Egypt by Hugh Nibley
Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, Vol 3 by Bruce R. McConkie
Sacred Events occurred when the brother of Jared was in a high mountain using the Lord. Mountains have often been used by God and his prophets as real and symbolic temples where the Lord has manifested himself, his word and his will to man (for example, Exodus 15:17, Matt. 17, Moses 1 , 1 Nephi 11:01; McConkie J. Parry, 84).
Elder Joseph Fielding Smith said: "Of necessity the first sanctified temples were the tops of the mountains and isolated places in the desert. If we are not misinformed, Adam built his altar on a hill overlooking the valley of Adam- ondi-Ahman. In that place the Lord revealed the purpose of the fall and the Savior's mission .... was in the great mountain which was sanctified Shelem where the brother of Jared was one of the greatest revelations ever given to man , because he was shown everything from the beginning to the end of the world "(Doctrines of Salvation 2:232).
During his powerful experience sacred, the brother of Jared was able to penetrate the veil and see "the finger of the Lord" (Ether 3:6). After a brief examination of the brother of Jared understanding of what was happening, the Lord revealed a greater knowledge of it. Because of the unsurpassed faith and humility of Jared's brother, Jesus Christ "was shown to him," and declared, "Because you know these things, you are redeemed from the fall, so you brought back to my presence by I therefore show you. "(Ether 3:13). Few records have been lethal in this glorious experience.
Then, as if the explanation of the distinct difference between disclosure and other appearances for the man, Jesus Christ said: "Behold, I am he who was prepared from the foundation of the world to redeem my people. Behold, I am Jesus Christ. I am the Father and the Son .... And I have never shown the man whom I have created, because I never acre man as you have done .... Behold, this body you see now is the body of my spirit, and I created man Like the body of my spirit, and how I appear to you in spirit, appear unto my people in the flesh. " (Ether 3:14-18).
Moroni introduced
in the record the statement that he "could not give a full account of these things written it suffices therefore to say that Jesus was the man in spirit, in the manner and likeness of the same body that showed the Nephites. "(v 17), adding that Jesus ministered to the brother of Jared" as he ministered to the Nephites "(v 18). R. Bruce Elder McConkie explained: "In its context and in light of other passages, this means that no one before had so much faith as Moriancumer and that, therefore, none had won so comprehensively a revelation of the personality of Christ. The veil was withdrawn completely and the Lord appeared in a more complete and in a way that has never happened before "(Mormon Doctrine 464). Put another way, the brother of Jared received the blessing of the Second Comforter, and personal presence ministry of the Lord God Himself (see John 14:18, 21, 23; TPJS 149-51).
A thorough knowledge of this man did "not prevent you could see inside the veil" (Ether 3: 19). Moreover, "the Lord could not withhold anything from him, knowing that the Lord would show you all things" (v 26). He was given a vision of "all the inhabitants of the land that had been, and all that would be ... To the ends of the earth "(v 25). The Lord instructed the brother of Jared to seal these things to be shown in due time (v 27, see also 2 Nephi 27:7, 10).
As the brother of Jared, the Latter-day Saints have the power, keys, agreements, ordinances and shrines to receive "the fullness of the priesthood" (D & C 124:28; TPJS 321-24). The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that "all the prophets have written, from the days of righteous Abel to the last man ..." had the aim of bringing the Lord's people (TPJS 83). He later added: "Why bring people here? For the same reason that Jesus wanted to gather the Jews to receive the ordinances, blessings, and glories that God has in store for his saints" ( TPJS 312). Like Jesus, the brother of Jared climbed the holy mountain and received glorious visions, and probably their invesidura (Ether Chapters 2, 3, compare Matt. Chapter 17). Following the same pattern, the Saints of God come to the mountain "the Lord's house" and have open to them "everything ... That had been, and everything will be" (Isaiah 2:2-3; Ether 3: 25). The Prophet Joseph Smith promised that "the least of the Saints can know all things tans quickly as able to bear it, because the day must come when no one needs to say to your neighbor, I know the Lord, because we all know him from the lowest to the highest. How come to this? is done through the sealing power, and the comforter that has been spoken, which is manifested by revelation "(TPJS 149).
Fourth Nephi Through Moroni: From Zion to Destruction by Charles D. Tate, Monte S. Nyman
children in Sunday School, are taught that God is: Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent. God is everywhere at the same time. God knows everything. God can do anything. attributes of our Great God. Three great children pronounce words with difficulty,
And the truth, we must praise the Greatness, that but for it ..... The Universe does not maintain its order, being the whole mess.
But sometimes, we see only God Transcendence
that means going beyond the limit of our comprehension.
When ........
should remember at the same time and equal importance of Imnanencia of God,
this is opposite to Transcendence,
and describes its proximity to us.
Glory to God that this is also my God!
The Creator of the Universe, humbled me, humbled by you.
"Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, men semenjante; And being found in man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, death on a cross. " , (Philippians 2: 6 -8)
God is the reason for my faith, The reason that makes me believe that everything I can. is God who gives me new strength, and any support. is God who fights for my client as well. is God who teaches me, in the center of the storm. five letters that fill me with peace, to pronounce his name only.
God is light in the darkness, whoever comes to Him is the Path. GOD is the water cools, comes to Him when your soul is thirsty. is God who lifts you when you to faint. five letters that fill you with peace, Call to Him, enjoy His goodness, for Eternal Salvation you will want to give away!