Thursday, February 24, 2011

Advantages Of Eating Dried Mango

Gematria of Gematria Number 9

The number nine is occasionally used symbolically in Scripture. when used, which carries the meaning of trial, end, or termination.

Nine is the number of completion or trial, as well as compliance mark the end. The gematria of the word "Dan" means that means the judge is 54 (9x6), The significance of the number nine is the trial especially the judgmental, and the conclusion of the whole matter so far as man is concerned. But nine is the square of three, and three is the number of divine perfection, and the number of the Holy Ghost. Not surprisingly, therefore, to see this number denotes the strength in divine things.

The judgments of God, as contained in the book of Haggai are nine individuals, with drought being sent to the earth, mountains, corn, wine, oil, land, men , livestock and the work of all hands (see 1:11). This is a great example of the judgments that were spilled.

Jesus healed ten lepers, but only one came to recognize and thank him. Jesus then asked: "Where are the other nine? "(Luke 17:17). The numerology suggests they will be judged by their ingratitude.

The Lost Language of Symbolism by Alonzo L. Gaskill


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