Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Soda Pop And Mouth Sores

Don Mariani

In these times of rest,
and in this era of wimp and ruling virtuosos who seem to live forever, we lost one second piece of our glorious history ...
Saturday we went Miguel Angel "Don Guan" Mariani shortly Manuel habersenos been Cheil.
to say ... was the technician and the driver was 80 to 95 ...
nearly 15 years of glory tortera where we do not drink without winning a trophy without lifting and without celebrate joy ...
But Mr. Guan was above all a man of patience, silence and unparalleled driving.
Simple, simple, ........... modest winner. Cacho
left us a legacy of glory and manhood well ...
nobody can say anything and no na 'against Cacho don ...
I think there is art that may have more titles in his cabinet that he, and yet never need to use their prayers to express their opinion ...

that there will be more than proud to stand as Mariani, without having to bow their heads before any one
with whom he remained until his last moments
it will have to be the most champion of champions race
below what we see with his blue shirt celebrating another championship more

If we want to be consistent with what we say, everyone should be able to see that goodness, that forgiveness and that understanding in us. Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Adios, champion.


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