Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Brown Chunks With Blonde Chunks In Hair

"When Christ died, was placed in the new tomb of a nearby garden.
Some women who went to anoint his body, the first day of the week,
were wondering who they would stone so heavy that the entry when
to his surprise, realized that he had already been removed.

When they entered, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right.
Surprisingly, He told them that Jesus was not there because
had risen!.
the angel said:
" But go, tell his disciples and Peter ....." (Mark 16:7).
And Peter!.

(Recall that just before his arrest and crucifixion of Christ, Peter
promised to be with him until death. But instead, Peter denied him not once, not twice, but .......
three times!). (Reminder mine).

Why was Peter the mention of honor?
Christ knew that if he did not receive a specific invitation by name,
never would have been worthy of inclusion among the disciples.
That was the proposal of Christ
Master extended his hand to a fallen comrade.

....... In 1 Corinthians 15 the Apostle Paul related those to whom Christ appeared
after his resurrection. Interestingly, Peter (Cephas) \u200b\u200btops the list.
This confirms that Peter was the first to see Jesus after the resurrection.
no longer had to feel like one that has been discarded,
with great compassion for Jesus had forgiven him.

....... Even Jesus' arms are extended to us, no matter what
been our failures. Those arms are long enough and tender
to embrace even the person most negligent desacarriada and denied the Savior. Jesus
has its eyes on us, saying:
"I have compassion on you. I assure you that you can return to fellowship with the living God."

(Remember that after Jesus joins his disciples shared a breakfast in the Galilee, there
had a word with Peter. Three questions will make:
Simon son of Jonah, Do you love me?.
And three affirmative answers from the mouth of Peter). (Reminder mine).

..... Peter had denied Christ three times, and an equal number of times
had the privilege to reaffirm their love for Him
The dark days of humiliation was over. The guilt had been replaced by
responsibility, fellowship and full acceptance.

....... Christ still prays for us. He knows our weaknesses and the circumstances that we
caused the fall. He, full of compassion is willing to restore to communion
and utility.

Let him
simply to provide the healing that only He can give.

Hand carved by Master
; ; Erwin Lutzer


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