We may have missed this detail
but if you look carefully reading the book of Job, we see
that God refers to Job as
"my servant Job."
Why such a title?.
I once read that the reason is that Job
served God in the most difficult task with fidelity:
"In suffering for him, without understanding the purpose, motive or why.
In suffer for, without question.
in suffering for him without reproach anything or him to account.
is to remain faithful to Him even when everything seems that He is faithful to you. "
Throughout history there have been numerous
the "servants" who have risen
with faith, courage, loyalty and a deep love for God.
In the same Bible we are aware of many of them.
And in our days?
Will we be you and me one of them?
this question we should stop meditating,
Gianna Jessen.
A woman who survived and fought
from the same womb.
not questioned at all, no wonder why .........
His testimony encourages us, gives us hope
and teaches us to forgive.
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