Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Main Aims For Animal Welfare Act 2006

Nothing will separate me from Your Love

When we are in the midst of a profound sadness
or difficult circumstances,
we might feel offended
if anyone suggests that sometimes good things come

A person with good intentions trying to encourage
to trust God's promises
could be perceived as insensitive or even

That happened to the children of Israel when God was working
to deliver them from Egypt.
When Pharaoh hardened his heart to the Lord's command
to let go of his people,
increased workload of the Hebrew slaves forcing
a straw reuinir
needed to make bricks (Exodus 5:10-11).

They were discouraged as they could not accept
reassuring words of Moses that God
had heard their cry and had promised to bring
own land (6:9).

There are times in our suffering and fears
can close our ears to the words of hope from God.
But the Lord never ceases to tell us
when we find it difficult to hear.
He continues working in our favor as it did
when freed his people from Egypt.

As we experience the compassion and loving care of God,
can start listening again,
even as the pain is easing.

; ; DCM
, Our Daily Bread 2006



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