Friday, April 16, 2010

Marriage Decoration Contract

TODAY ... Dime child


I swear I try,

combat power

but it was impossible to get away.

Your arms were stronger,

your lips fought every battle.


wanted to avoid this pain,

and after a thousand failed attempts ...

completely lost the war.

Your skin made me his slave!


Shout to God to give me strength!

temptation But you take my soul.

know that love is not the word,

but no names

for this proclamation today.


Release me from these bonds!

burn so deep ...

You shattered my armor.

I've always been strong in your adversity,

and today I am a more ...

crying for one "wanting."


Do not be cruel!, Deliver me from these bonds

my defeat I assume before you today.

But I will not fall, I do not know what is forgiveness;

take revenge against you

And your This shot will be a slave to my heart!


________Elii *

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pipe Tobacco Cut Smaller For Rolling

How do you do? You


Your eyes sparkle


Tell me How you do it?

is an enviable state;

Full of peace your memories,

tell me how you do it?,

please tell me how you do it?


I do not remember

What was the magic?

You can live

staring at nothing;

tell me how you do it?,

Please tell me, how do it?


With conviction and determination

close my eyes, I try,

but neither the desire I

further shadow upon me.

you tell me how they do it?

tell me, How do you do?


innocent soul Tell me

What was the friendship?,

Dime small sapling

How do I to smile?

time made me fall

And you live in spring

Reveal your truth

"I can not go back?


Do I absorbed by the watches?

Does that mean ...?

coming back Or adult is equal to die?

Dime child how you do it?

I live again,

Please tell me how you do it?


Have I lost the power to dream?

Then you show me,

remind me what is play,

dime How can I achieve?

Please tell me how you do it?


If I can not do

Let me be by your side,

you grow as if I will live mine out,

'll take your happiness shared

And someone will make you well.


But never forget what you are,

Keep you this purity.

not forget your breaks,

you are master of your time.

and live free, free like you,

do not regret fly,

returns Nothing.


Elii *

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Phosphate Free Buffer


you of those love
you never forget,
are one of those reasons
to dig into the skin.

that reason you
exhausting breathing
are so hopeless
that invades my mind.

're magic
that give life,
are the poison
remove layers.

You are the
that makes me pound,
're the reason
to not wake up.

You pace
of my dance,
and inspiration
of my song.

You are so beautiful
it hurts my soul,
're so good
you give rabies.

're so sweet
that cloying,
and simple

you all!
're all mine.
're just mine!

Elii *

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Front Elemenent Replace Canon

Superpanel Control in Windows 7

Already much has been said about Windows 7 and all its trappings. I tried the RC at the time, and since I have upgraded my laptop, I use this OS on a regular basis in my daily life. And, with the exception perhaps of performance, would not return to XP. Let's say that Windows 7 is what Vista should have been provided.

And after that someone mentioned 4chan God folder under Windows 7, unless they want me back.
Folder "God?
Yes. Is done as follows.

1. Create a new folder where you want.

2. Give name: godmode. {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

3. Once pressed ENTER, you'll see the folder takes the control panel icon.
4. Tuneando Enjoy your system.

But have eye, because many of the options are really for advanced users who know what they do.

Now you have to amuse yourself during your leisure time. Yes, this folder is arguably a giant control panel. Many of these options can be accessed from the other side, but is more comfortable and much less entangled and have them listed.

And if you want to rename and move it so you do not interfere.

IMPORTANT: Do not try under Windows Vista.