Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Clean Desk Policy In The Office

2010 Earthquake in Chile: A look of someone who lost everything.

As promised, I relive this blog. Because
spend 3 days in solitary confinement is desperate. Seriously.

's no longer a secret what happened to our beautiful country. A disaster caused by a natural disaster that, in theory, should be prepared.

earthquake in my case it was not beyond the shock of the moment and hold the TV to avoid falling and do shit on the floor. But how desperate was what came next. Not be light, I could not go online or turn the TV to see what was happening. Which was my grandmother, with an AM radio, tune could Favorita (all FM were down).

I can try to get in the pants of the people of Concepción, Penco Tomé, Dichato Cobquecura, Constitution, etc ... and I imagine the suffering. How in a few seconds everything you built, all you had, everything you thought you trusted and what is going to trash.

The earthquake (here he was considerably less than what he felt to the south) was not only material that many even built for generations, destroyed entire families, and reminded us of the hard way how we are small potatoes when nature gets angry.

And we should not wonder, now the humans have become too ill to nature in our growth and our need to do more things and not return. In any case, I will not go by the environmental side or anything like that in this post, I will express my opinion on some issues that I have something annoying.

Let us, first of all, in fact they are supposed to be a seismic country. We should be prepared for events like this. Of course, we can not predict when it will come an earthquake or an earthquake, but we can be prepared. What happened to the operation Deysa in schools? Well, its modern equivalent, the Comprehensive School Safety Plan ?
Have you ever had evacuation plans in their workplaces? Have you ever considered how to exit a room in which they enter, if surprised by a quake?

What happened to the building? To save weight, build buildings and homes with fewer materials, or materials of lesser quality. What do we have as a result?

The second thing I want to criticize has to do with the loss of basic services. I understand that when an emergency, shut off all electricity and water in some cases. However, when power is lost for more than 3 days, is unacceptable. If this were any other European country, basic services have been back more than 24 hours later.

The same goes for the Internet, which may not count as a basic service but it is the basic medium communication of some.

only thing left for me to think about is that Chile is a country chambeco to do things. Without hesitation accept any shit, we are not really concerned about having a good service for which you are paying. And when we are treated as they should treat us, we find strange, unusual or surprising.

In this case, was a natural disaster, but we still have the right to the company or company that provides a service we put everything in their power to hurry, because it paid.
This goes especially to what is electricity. Because if you fall behind a little, are the most ready, run to cut the light. And charge $ 7,156 dollars per replenished. However, when something or cut, and as a warning.

With water we have not had these problems, fortunately. And in many areas, water service turned and cut back as needed to make repairs, have allowed people to stock up.

My ISP? I do not think you need to post my complaint again. Internet I recovered just last night. Never hire CMET. Never. How cheap is expensive.

What is wireless. OK, fell antennas, the signal was not the best, but please. We can not spend three days with a phone that makes most of the day "emergencies only." Just last night I managed to contact a friend in San Fernando, just last night, Why? Because all previous attempts, when the call connected, the phone was cut off and pointed at me "emergencies only." Palo
for Entel PCS, which is the service I'm using. Because during emergencies, works as weas.

And my third criticism is for the people.

I will tell you with all the lyrics: People are weon. I had to go to work at the supermarket the next day, local parties have to collapse, but the owner [not to the manager] was not interested, "but the people after the catastrophe happened, rushed to buy candles , flashlights, batteries and other things you need to have BEFORE DURING tragedy so they could be used. Why

shit people do not have your emergency backpack? I go with that can not be the economic situation, I have mine, armed with long, gathering little by little. Bought goods for the month? Did not cost anything to buy a packet of noodles for the extra bag. Or rice. And so on. It costs nothing to have a flashlight of those that are loaded stirring (And do not tell me it is wea of \u200b\u200bgeeks, I bought mine in a whole $ 500 more than a year). Batteries (rechargeable batteries not necessarily because they will charge) and a small radio, which are the 3 lucas DEADE any premises of the Persian Bio Bio.

Prevention means doing things before, not after. Later come not to mourn that they had things to deal with emergencies, if not prepared yourself.

This is extended not only to what are earthquakes extend to any possible natural disaster. "There comes a hurricane? "Flood? Is not there supplies for a while?
are ready. Because disasters will occur, and it is no grace prepared after the thing has passed.

We are a country "seismically prepared" and had over 720 deaths. What will become of the countries that are not used to living earthquakes? Haiti is a prime example .... and can get an idea.

Ah, indeed. Tools "2.0" help during the tragedy.


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