Friday, December 4, 2009

Thank You To The Pastor Funeral

same to you ...

I exist ... aunq the crazy idea that will generate q do you live with it ... a ride every day, deny that ... Like all those who think they are a unique monument to perfection, who kill to get it and pretend to represent, you are familiar? ... those q try to be the same .. Same life, same concerns and ideals beyond the difficulties, stay calm ... you're not excluded from the pile and is more I am far from being one more, but less than that, trying to take away each other, you're like q and is the same as you. Not composed of the same in case?
That sounds contradictory that ... You fight your own ego represented in another q aunq before your eyes is indifferent to the similarity ... will always be the same, it bothers her existence! Well, she lives with her ... or if you think he does not know that you exist you who do not mind the idea, which is critical of you ... porq resembles both you ... that q you find what bothers you about yourself ... and if that hurts you? ... porq you do me ...

already live in such a way to join two sentences is thinking ... think nobody knows. And when he found the good way ... no one knows.
Sure ... do not know ... of course ... So do not think ... if they all fight to be someone ... or not? be somebody, if not a pretty picture, the best project of my own, someone in this life ... q stereotype is not going to get without going over the other ... no? ... let's do it, total ... that other ... you're also ...
ah ... you're right ... excuse me ... I forgot about that ... what hurts .. They are called feelings, heart, soul, if those words so superficially and hard use in your word .... also represented in you ... KNOW a little, Queretaro, not wanting to be that q q do not know is ... aunq layers well and I am not doing it ... but I tell you something? I try every day ... if ... try, try to think a little ... aunq attempt to lie every day but I try not to go through who are the same as me, and that only now I realize that live with me, try to reach perfection as you q ... but I have limits, which are not written on paper, but the my conscience dictates .. And can you tell me that she did not know ... porq q if I believe, is not it?


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