Thursday, December 17, 2009

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie16

not play their Argentino C. .. JuvUni van, and Arancha TFed

The latest reviews and news, the whorls not play the Torneo Argentino C, which is responsible for being the tournament champion Claudura 2009. According to the rumors
several teams would have been a number of teams declined the offer, starting from the UV that before the end I should have anticipated the authorities would not play either.
According to the Daily Alternate would be:
1. United Youth of Veronica.
2. Tiro Federal ..... (Yeahhhh, federal draft, or merge or to the Primera A
not stop ....) They would behoove the area 61 together with Ever-ready and Dolores Sarmiento and
3. Atl. Ranches, which goes to the area 61, along with Sarmiento Perez Roque and Koreano? Lobos, and La Plata (Everton or For Ever ).....
shame that the cake is not involved, but according to relatives would be a fangote of twine that is required pa 'come and play .... and as the home side has a lot of drinks, but the CASA-not - great to put the hag through the nestle .... Hit me no 'or with the raffles and the pig less mobile than 2 $.
would you let 'to do .... you want blue, that would cost the saying goes ...
For example speech pa 'start the warranty would be 10 lucas (and paddle) amount increases as it progresses from groups ... to reason that nestle empty the coffee ...
is a desicion which is taken from our leaders and from here we are not able to put in doubt ... surely have got the numbers (above whorls saravia is not) and did not close ....

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunfish Sailboat Draft

And the championship is dedicated a. ... Champion

led me to the court since he was way, but it's tiny, and taught me to be whorls, and love these colors more than my life.

the founders of CLU '
who took the initiative to assemble the club whorls without taking anything in return

courage that made country and put the dough itself, to buy the site and then the field of

old course to the idols of CLU '
that gave them the joys maxims, some players, other leaders, other technicians, and even props from our clu '

leg put him straight, and demonstrated that they are worthy gentlemen to bring well-placed aurinegra

A UPA (his family ... and her mom)
that ate more than one puteada (some with good reason) but was pleased to be a great joy (and you should be as the Joker: not able to erase his smile his face)

corrected it in their decisions (which were correct: it is a compliment) and he finally noticed that trained and felt especially in the physical state of them.

who mobilized to Etcheverry (nice place, not villages like some said, and good people but 4 morons, it seems) and those who remained in nestle waiting, and and coming to form a convoy seriously, not as some that look like braids of Mirian.

we went to see the cake against the greens of Veronica, with the historic rout, said all at once: if we go out champions ...

they cut pieces of paper, pasted posters, attended the bar (eating up more of a wanker's rival) and are worthy heirs of the old Ramirez, yes sir ...

leaders who believed it was time to go play fobal, and often put the hag when the clu 'does not cover, and leave their families aside, what colors they feel

who shouted, jumped, and kicked the wire before each game as if they were active
who were among the fans, and left a good memory , and felt the aurinegra: as the mole Urquiza among others ....

to first pour a few bottles your name and then we'll take to not give up ....

Agreement Letter To Accident

hell .... another drink another ...


Vamo 'vamo cakes ... fuck'

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lcd Display Dark Patches

whorls 1 - UV Etcheverry 0 .... Now the final (final) in La Plata

With a goal of Wilson (who played together Reme with one of the best games), leaving scattered on the floor and 6 of them, the nail in the stick away from the archer (dwarf) of them, we beat the first whorls finalizima the other Union.
In the middle of the first missed game we echo a Facu. Also
despite having played more than 10 types halftime they just came 2 or 3 times throughout the game.
And on almost halftime we put him second, and especially at the end of the second half, we put him 2 balls in the stick.
final final in the court of them, which they say is small in length and width ... go beyond good with all the joy tortera y. ..
cakes we fuck ...
the Kabala we

Sunday, December 6, 2009

What Is Poft Close Nse

expeditious san ... Expedited san .... exp san

say religion has nothing to do with the Kabbalah ...
They say it may become infidels ... or clowns ...

but we do not care ... Veronica
if I turn to, if I turn
with salt, if I turn out to
spore god
work against UV ...

donate all my bottles (returnable not obvious) of Gancia, vodkas, voskayas, etc ... San Expedito
what is not is where there is a shrine to the saint??
do one if necessary ... tortaaaasssss we

the Obvious is the same image as in previous entries ...
ma 'that tactic and strategy ...
ma 'that 442 or 4411 ...
ma 'that court Bilardo wet or drums ...
only thing that matters here is the little picture of God, the card of kabalaaaaaa

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thank You To The Pastor Funeral

same to you ...

I exist ... aunq the crazy idea that will generate q do you live with it ... a ride every day, deny that ... Like all those who think they are a unique monument to perfection, who kill to get it and pretend to represent, you are familiar? ... those q try to be the same .. Same life, same concerns and ideals beyond the difficulties, stay calm ... you're not excluded from the pile and is more I am far from being one more, but less than that, trying to take away each other, you're like q and is the same as you. Not composed of the same in case?
That sounds contradictory that ... You fight your own ego represented in another q aunq before your eyes is indifferent to the similarity ... will always be the same, it bothers her existence! Well, she lives with her ... or if you think he does not know that you exist you who do not mind the idea, which is critical of you ... porq resembles both you ... that q you find what bothers you about yourself ... and if that hurts you? ... porq you do me ...

already live in such a way to join two sentences is thinking ... think nobody knows. And when he found the good way ... no one knows.
Sure ... do not know ... of course ... So do not think ... if they all fight to be someone ... or not? be somebody, if not a pretty picture, the best project of my own, someone in this life ... q stereotype is not going to get without going over the other ... no? ... let's do it, total ... that other ... you're also ...
ah ... you're right ... excuse me ... I forgot about that ... what hurts .. They are called feelings, heart, soul, if those words so superficially and hard use in your word .... also represented in you ... KNOW a little, Queretaro, not wanting to be that q q do not know is ... aunq layers well and I am not doing it ... but I tell you something? I try every day ... if ... try, try to think a little ... aunq attempt to lie every day but I try not to go through who are the same as me, and that only now I realize that live with me, try to reach perfection as you q ... but I have limits, which are not written on paper, but the my conscience dictates .. And can you tell me that she did not know ... porq q if I believe, is not it?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ur Cervix Before Your Period

ESPOR 1 (10) - Cakes 0 (11) ... that joy by dioooosssss

As in the best times we have returned to savor another victory against The spores griddle.
Thus, for criminal proceedings (when not to kick the goals missed in the first game) we have moved to another final, third in the league Chascomunense.

In a game that should not have been played by the amount of water falling, and we fell over like the last time especially in the 1 st time ... In a game
trendria not to have reached the criminal, since the goal was clear Orsai ...
In a game that should not have been kicked penalties, as we know The spores always loses ...
In a game that finally (and do not tire of repeating jijijjj) have become the normalidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddd.
ah ... say Feriae would be the first final on Tuesday, 8 ... Day of the Immaculate Conception (of the virgin is not of Christ ... that is 25 Dec) Ladies and gentlemen
blacks fuck whorls have claimed victory ...