Thursday, July 9, 2009

Red Bump With Red Circle Around It On Arm

without compositing

Several people have criticized me if I want a stylish desktop, why not use Compiz or I switch to KDE. When I say that my graphics chipset does not run any 3D compositing system, feel sorry for me. But when I say that I've always liked KDE over Gnome, usually get a "bah" as if to say I'm a fan of a relatively ugly desktop theme of earth tones and brown (Thanks, Ubuntu).

However, the earth tones have never been to my total satisfaction (except in a couple of occasions in which I mixed with green). And throughout my life testing the Gnome desktop environment, I have found many ways to highlight the theme of the rest. Now, let's think well: Why should those who can not (or who do not want to) use a 3D compositing system we must resign ourselves to a few ugly issues and simple desktop?

Gnome I have to leave aside and try another desktop environment if you want something complete and cute? No.
Here I will demonstrate how to configure a Gnome in 4 different ways, none of these cases require different add-ons to the default Gnome brings. And of course these are just a starting point; from there you can go putting together your own or mixed. It is the grace of free software, you configure as you want.

Ah, indeed. To install themes downloaded from gnome-look or some such website, you must drag the file. Tar.gz to the Desktop Themes window. Should not be. Tar.gz, extract the contents to ~ /. Themes. The icons are in ~ /. Icons. First

Gnondows XP

This style has similarities with Windows XP either. Served for those accustomed to the system but want to feel some difference.
All I can say is that is the difficult to assemble, and the ugliest of all. It is done as follows.

first thing is to have one toolbar at the bottom of your screen. In its properties, modify it so that is 26 pixels wide. Once removed all elements of it, you click the right mouse button and "Add to panel." That will add the following:
- Clock, to the extreme right.
- Trash, right next to the clock
- Forcing the closure, along with the trash. This applet in more than one occasion has helped me recover the PC when a program is hung.
- Volume control.
- Notification Area. I consider this element important in any desktop.
- Main Menu. Put it on the far left.
- Show Desktop. Along the Main Menu. Next to show desktop
can add any program you'd like to open fast. Firefox is a good idea.
Once done, add "Window List."

missing one step: The icon for the "start menu." Get out any of the Internet and save it where you do not mind or what you are going to eliminate error. In my case, I use it . Pressing Alt + F2 and run gconf-editor . This program is a "regedit" for Gnome.

Go to Apps> Panel> Objects. One of the subkeys there has the value "object_type" and "menu-object." A key that activate it "use_custom_icon", and "custom_icon" writes the image path to the button you will. In my case, / home / victor / .menu.png.

If you typed the route, the mere fact of pressing ENTER, the icon will change immediately. Lack
latest: Right click on the desktop, and "Change desktop background." The desktop theme is Clearlooks, the icon theme is "Human-Blue" and the window border is Aurora. The wallpaper I took from here . Second

the Hamster Candy Candy
This style is instantly appealing because it is too different from what we would see in a normal system. Even under Windows. Just download and use.
- Download the wallpaper from here .
- Download and install the Metacity theme from here.
- Download the pack of icons from here.
- The desktop theme used is "Clearlooks".

Third style.


Download the theme from here . The wallpaper is linked from there self-requires free registration.
And get off the pack of icons Hydroxygen . Yes, it's a pretty big pack (72 MB), but is quite comprehensive.

room style.

Oh mai gosh, OpenSUSE ...! Well, no.

This desktop theme is also very easy to assemble, because it is coming, download and install each component. Further, we have it in four delicious flavors: blue, green, brown stool and pink. Back off from here .
The icon pack is Human Blue.

And indeed, as a bonus track, a final tweak is graphic, and I highly recommend this. I do not know if you have noticed that using sudo distros such as Debian, Ubuntu and Mint, at the time of login as root (or, in other words, when the program asks for administrator password), it looks ugly. A crude visual style, similar to Windows 95 first beta. Modify the root account does not work. What can you do?

Well, thank cihodapp in the Linux Mint forums, I learned how to make the root account using the same desktop theme. So, finally Synaptic will look cute.
Open the console and type the following command:

sudo rm-r / root / .themes / root / .fonts / root / .icons & & sudo ln-s ~ /. Themes / root / .themes & & sudo ln-s ~ /. fonts / root / .fonts & & sudo ln-s ~ /. icons / root / .icons

These commands (four commands are performed in a single line, separated by & &) deleted "Desktop Themes" from the root, and replace them with symlinks to those of your own, so now the root account share your own desktop themes, fonts and preferences. Happy



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