is cunning and pride;
strong, malleable,
sweet and charming. Play
only his game,
you get into it and you will not even notice.
We're just me and her. United
she wants my downfall and I
your company.
She offered to be part of my soul
and I could not offer anything.
But instead I take my whole being. Always
shamelessly jealous.
wanted to be unique.
wanted to be the center of my life, wanted to take the reins
wanted to be her, but she.
She and I wanted to be the world.
wanted to be the moon and sun,
light and my dark;
wanted to be strengths and weaknesses,
wanted to be my death, and death alone. She
lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely
her and me.
wanted to be a whole wanted to be every corner
every word, every whisper
and all fear.
His being away from me,
everything away from me than her. She
, cunning and arrogance,
strong, malleable
sweet and lovely.
She wanted, I just wanted it all,
and I want to leave. She
life costing costing
consciousness and sanity. Cynical
my beloved solitude ...
________Elii *