Sunday, September 27, 2009

Profit Percentage Of Turnover

Cakes 1 - Youth 0 .... yes, the champion Statler & Waldorf

As we have said all this champion is but a small team rather armadito by Melo.
with the logical consequence that the cakes were a small team but it armadito training.
1 to 0.
plain and simple.
All I did was hit during the start of the second half and then nothing ... very little for a champion .... and we almost tied ...
now we were not a lot .... carriyo's goal, 2 or 3 attacks and nothing else.
cakes will have to accommodate the melons in the car, and now without the pilot and without muñoz quality we fall ... and must compensate the week .... entrenamietno BY DIOSSSSS ...

But being a short championship he who loses a game is almost out, so in an area with the champion and the ESPOR plucked from the best.
we fuck blacks whorls
joy that has no end when he sings victory cakes