Criminal Investigation One thing that often caught my attention when I see it on TV but I never spoke of it as appropriate. And I mean the Criminal Investigations.
I'm sure many of my readers have ever seen on the Discovery Channel research programs, in which we analyze the profiles of the largest and sadistic criminals, wherein based on a tiny test is reached guilty and separates those who are innocent of a case.
The television that exploits this issue is not new. From the long-running series Unsolved Mysteries, to CSI, Law and Order through. Sadly, at the local level have no number can collar them, except perhaps 133 ... that focuses on research, but the police catching the criminals.
Here in Chile the entity in charge of what scientific research is the PDI (Police Investigations). "Its primary mission is to conduct police investigations and explanations of crime, contribute to the maintenance of public peace, prevent the perpetration of criminal acts and acts atentorios the stability of key agencies of the State of Chile. In addition to controlling the movement immigration of people of the country in various international border crossings, airports or ports, inspect the residence of foreigners in Chile, and represent this nation at Interpol. "(Wikipedia)
PDI officials are called detectives, and are also the so-called civil police. His work, together with the Carabineros (the uniformed police) is what allows us to put thousands of criminals every year behind bars.
(The fact that these criminals go free the day after it is another matter-that is failure of the Judiciary).
PDI's work is developed using scientific methods, as described in U.S. series CSI, but not much fanfare. better or for worse, we are one of the countries with the best Latin American civil police, and if not usually know is because their work tends to be underground. Or because what they do is overshadowed by the failures of
PJ. The PDI is responsible for investigating using science as basilística, forensics, fingerprints, psychology and others.
However, PDI does not focus only on the physical level crime, but a logical or technical level. Investigate the case of stolen information from a computer or monitor who is trafficking in child pornography, they are in charge. And as you can imagine, I am going to focus on this part.
serves not only the fact of using a proxy. We are talking about a team dedicated to tracking research. But ... How do they do? Well, in the case of a cybercrime, we review the offending computer's IP. If this IP belongs to a proxy, we investigate the origin. If a proxy here in Chile, is directed toward that PC, or failing that, to the ISP that has a detail (log) of all incoming and outgoing connections of a system using the internet (and yes, they have the address the user who owns an IP. That means that if the IP, say, yours, your ISP has that information). If this proxy jump to another proxy, the procedure is repeated. If any of these proxies are abroad, we proceed to apply an investigation into the country to which it belongs. In many cases to solve a crime (and more if it is something of multinational interest, for example, an international network of pedophilia), the PDI works with its equivalent in other countries, and together they contribute information to give to original author of the crime.
Now, if the offense was committed from an Internet cafe at the time it reaches the civilian police investigation begins with a more classic: Fingerprints, confiscation of computer system, data review, etc.
By the way, if you delete a file, it remains on your PC. If you overwrite, there is a possibility that the file remains in your PC. There are tools such as TuneUp Shredder or Norton Utilities, which deletes a file overwriting it with random characters directly. However, this deletion method is very slow, making it impractical in daily use. Also there are not many clear straw files used in an Internet cafe. No, neither DeepFreeze saves you.
A cafe PC with TuneUp Utilities installed (typical of Windows systems with EU, quite common today) is a potential candidate to be used in something illegal. Beware, owners of Internet cafes!
PDI's work often not valued as it should. But worth it.
is thanks to the PDI to know when someone was murdered, committed suicide or an accident happened. And while nothing is perfect, if not for these guys, the crime would be even worse than we have today.
That was my little review. No, not a slogan or paid me. It's just something that was pending and that meant a long time.
More information:
- Wikipedia
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